Welcome to Laramie Church of Christ!
Who are "The Churches of Christ"?

Whatever the “church of Christ” was in New Testament writings…this is what we strive to be.  The apostle Paul mentioned “the churches of Christ” in Romans 16:16.  He said, “all the churches of Christ greet you.”  In saying this, Paul was not referring to numerous “denominations” of Christ’s church; but to various “congregations” scattered throughout the Roman Empire (i.e. Ephesus, Corinth, etc).

We, too, are striving to be the same church as our early predecessors.  We are nondenominational in the sense that we have no central headquarters or president.  Every congregation of the “churches of Christ” is completely autonomous and rests upon “the foundation of the apostles and prophets, Christ Jesus Himself being the corner stone” (Ephesians 2:20).  Jesus is the one and only “head” of His church…and His church is the “body” over which He is “head” (Ephesians 1:22-23).  This means that the church is to be in complete subjection to the will of Christ presented in the pages of inspired New Testament scripture (II Timothy 3:16-17).  A serious burden of responsibility is laid upon the elders, evangelists, and members of every local congregation to be certain that our beliefs and behavior are correct.  We analyze our faith carefully, we study the Bible thoroughly, and we reject false doctrines and traditions which contradict the teachings of Jesus and His apostles (Matthew 7:21; II Thessalonians 2:15).